Science Instrument


Telescope and Camera

Electronic Box

Ground Support Equipment

The playload

The ARRAKIHS Instrument team, through an intense and collaborative effort, is developing an instrument designed to push the limits of sensitivity and precision. This instrument enables scientists to study the low surface brightness local Universe that has never been observed. This capability is essential for advancing our understanding of fundamental questions in astrophysics and cosmology, offering a new light on the understanding of the Universe’s composition.

The ARRAKIHS payload

The Payload contains the main and only scientific instrument. The instrument consists of a multi-band imager in the visible and near-infrared. It contains two binocular telescopes with a modified Maksutov Cassegrain design developed by Satlantis. Each channel observes a single broadband and thus it can be optimized for the observations in that wavelength range. All four channels observe simultaneously, increasing the efficiency of the survey, in a simple design without moving parts and with high technology heritage.

The Payload is divided into the Telescope & Camera module the Electronics Box and the Ground Support Equipment.   

Diagram of the ARRAKIHS Payload Module.

Telescope & Camera Module

Binocular optical system developed by the Spanish micro satellites company Satlantis for the ARRAKIHS Instrument.

The Telescope and Camera Module of the ARRAKIHS mission contains the main components of the opto-electrical system. This includes the lighweight and high-performance opto-mechanical assemblies, such as the iSIM170 binocular telescopes and the Fold Mirrors that operate in cryogenic conditions to enable low thermal emission in the infrared bands. Additionally, critical components of the focal plane assemblies, which house advanced detectors and front-end electronics for both visible and near-infrared channels, are meticulously crafted to ensure perfect alignment and temperature stability. 

The Thermal and Structure Subsystem provides the structural support for all subsystems including the optical bench and the rest of the housing that provides straylight and contamination protection.The thermal cooling is performed with passive radiators, with active control based on heaters and precise temperature sensors. The Straylight Baffle Assembly further enhances the image quality performance by increasing the straylight rejection of sources such as bright stars near the observations and light from earth shine.

Electronic Box

The Electronics Box is an essential component of the ARRAKIHS mission, with electronic boards for instrument control, data processing, thermal control, and power distribution. It includes Control and Data Processing Units (CDPUs) for both visible and near-infrared channels, enabling the control and acquisition of the data produced by the four sensors. The Thermal Control System Board (TCS Board) plays a crucial role in maintaining stable temperatures for the telescope and detectors through precise monitoring and control mechanisms. Power is supplied to various components, including the CDPUs, Front-End Electronics (FEE), and TCS boards, by the Power Supply Unit (PSU). Application Software (ASW) enables the execution of necessary functions, including the Fine Guidance System software for precise navigation. The intricate harness system ensures seamless communication between different elements, while the EBOX Housing provides a secure enclosure within the Service Module of the spacecraft.

Electronic Box provided by IWF, containing the CPDus, PSU and TCS boards.

Ground Support Equipment

Observatorio de Javalambre facilities in Teruel, Spain, where the on-ground demonstrator will be installed.
Observatorio de Javalambre facilities in Teruel, Spain, where the on-ground demonstrator will be installed.

Multiple ground facilities support the development, implementation and testing of the instrument. This includes optical, electrical and mechanical equipment, distributed across the various entities contributing to the instrument team. Due to the nature of this instrument, major Optical Ground Support Equipment (OGSE) is required to focus, align and characterize the opto-mechanical assembly (OMA), conducting filter characterization, performing on-ground observations, and providing support for straylight measurements. 

Furthermore, on-ground observations of extragalactic objects will be conducted at the Observatorio de Javalambre in Teruel, Spain with a camera of the similar characteristics to the one that will be sent to space. 


The ARRAKIHS mission has been selected for phase A/B of the European Space Agency (ESA) F-class program and aims to perform observational tests of the Λ-Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model. See this page for all the details.


The ARRAKIHS mission is focused on our understanding of the existing tensions within modern cosmology. The population of faint halo satellite galaxies and streams provide the ideal laboratory to test current dark matter models.

Industrial Partners

The ARRAKIHS space mission has established robust and reliable connections with external companies, contributing value and efficiency toward a common goal.